Bimantoro ... BimBim_02

Bimantoro ... BimBim_02

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Coretan Galau malam ini hehehehehe :-)) :-))

Lembayung senja telah bercahaya...
Menembus kisi-kisi nurani
Membiaskan warna-warna asa ...indahnya..

Namun ..
Dalam ketermanguan ini
Kulihat sosok baghawat malam merobek lamunanku..

Haruskah kumenepisnya ?
Titianku kembali merangkai suatu untaian perjalanan hidup..
Kembali prasaku mengembara
Merenungi ....." apa yang sudah kulakukan dalam kehidupanku dan apa yang akan kulakukan selanjutnya "

Masihkah kesetiaan ini seperti setianya matahari terbit di timur dan tenggelam di barat ??!!.

Iseng nulis aaaaahhhh :-)) hehehehehehe

Semua yang berawal dari sebuah keajadian yang tidak sengaja ... entah kenapa gua mengikuti arus permainan yang amat sangat panjang untuk mengerti sifat satu sama lain,karena gua #serius ... *sayang berarti pengertian,gua bisa ngerti kalau lo milih orang lain karna gua sayang sama lo,cuman pengen lo dapet yang terbaik* ... itu adalah salah satu kata-kata motivasi gua keapada orang yang gua sayang ... Semoga semua ini akan tetap terjaga ... Amiin ...

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Congratulations on a business acquaintance getting promotion

March 24, 2011

Tb Andi rachman

Jl. Kedoya No. 12 Depok

Dear Aswin Rahmatillah

I was pleased to learn that you have been chosen as the new manager at Jakarta. Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion.

I realize you must have a million and one things to do at the moment but I do hope you will be able to call in and see us before you leave.

Your sincerely



TOEFL history and overview

The purpose of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL®) is to evaluate the English proficiency of people whose native language is not English. The test was initially developed to measure the English proficiency of international students wishing to study at colleges and universities in the United States and Canada, and this continues to be its primary function. However, a number of academic institutions in other countries, as well as certain independent organizations, agencies, and foreign governments, have also found the test scores useful. The TOEFL test is recommended for students at the eleventh-grade level or above; the test content is considered too difficult for younger students.

The TOEFL test was developed for use starting in 1963-64 through the cooperative effort of more than 30 organizations, public and private. A National Council on the Testing of English as a Foreign Language was formed, composed of representatives of private organizations and government agencies concerned with testing the English proficiency of foreign nonnative speakers of English who wished to study at colleges and universities in the United States. The program was financed by grants from the Ford and Danforth Foundations and was, at first, attached administratively to the Modern Language Association. In 1965, the College Board® and Educational Testing Service (ETS®) assumed joint responsibility for the program.

In recognition of the fact that many who take the TOEFL test are potential graduate students, a cooperative arrangement for the operation of the program was entered into by Educational Testing Service, the College Entrance Examination Board, and the Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®) Board in 1973. Under this arrangement, ETS is responsible for administering the TOEFL program according to policies determined by the TOEFL Policy Council.

Review :

In recognition of the fact that many who take the TOEFL test are potential graduate students, a cooperative arrangement for the operation of the program was entered into by Educational Testing Service, the College Entrance Examination Board, and the Graduate Record Examinations® (GRE®) Board in 1973. Under this arrangement, ETS is responsible for administering the TOEFL program according to policies determined by the TOEFL Policy Council.